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ACT81002 Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations

Seminardauer: 1 Tag


"Alibaba Cloud Technical Operations" is a course designed to enable Developers, Technical Operators, Solution Design Engineers with the deployment and management skills of core Alibaba Cloud products. The course covers the specific Alibaba Cloud features and tools for configuration and deployment. Moreover, it includes a number of intuitive online labs led by experienced instructor that can help you obtain direct hands-on experience.


  • Cloud Beginners, Developers that are interested in Alibaba Cloud
  • Technical Operator, Solution Design Engineer that aim to adopt Alibaba Cloud



Die Schulung bietet Ihnen eine ausgewogene Mischung aus Theorie und Praxis in einer erstklassigen Lernumgebung. Profitieren Sie vom direkten Austausch mit unseren projekterfahrenen Trainern und anderen Teilnehmern, um Ihren Lernerfolg zu maximieren.


Course Objective

This course is designed to cover the following topics:

  • Understand the characteristics of Alibaba Cloud products (like ECS, SLB, RDS, OSS) and how they should be operated to perform certain tasks
  • Configure a set of ECS instances that launch behind a load balancer, with the system scaling up/down according to real world demand
  • Enclose resources in virtual private networks with VPC and manage sub accounts with RAM
  • Manage resource consumption with Cloud Monitor, incorporate troubleshooting features in Alibaba Cloud (such as Health Check, Support Plan) to address common problems with instances
  • Manage user identity, account permissions, and secure cloud resources with Alibaba Cloud Security Services

Course Outline

  • Alibaba Cloud services review
  • Introduction of Alibaba Cloud ECS, SLB, OSS, RDS, VPC and Auto Scaling
  • Deploy Cloud resources and create network isolation in the Cloud
  • Manage structured and non-structured storage in the Cloud
  • Utilize non-structured storage service and create an online album
  • Monitoring and creating scalable deployments in the Cloud
  • Q & A

Hands-on Lab

ECS, SLB, RDS, OSS, Auto-Scaling, VPC

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750,00 € Preis pro Person

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